Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A work experience

So I started working Monday... and had to quit the very next day. I am ashamed to say that. The job was physically I had done before, and one I thought I could do again. Sadly, I could not. I hurt sooooo bad I could barely move around. I was in bed most of the day Tuesday and didn't really get up till I had to go get my son from the afterschool program. Then we drove around for an hour or so afterwards because I didn't want to get out of the car. This was like a slap in the face that I really am fat, that I really am weaker than I used to be. Did this experience strengthen me? I KNOW I want to lose weight. I KNOW I want to gain more muscle. But for some reason I keep finding myself stuffing my face with "comfort" foods. Cookies, cakes, doughnuts, pastas, breads, etc. I am drinking protein drinks to help rebuild my muscles...but that seems a small victory and overall void when compared to the rest of the junk I have been munching down on. So where do I go from here? I'm not sure where I will go with this...I KNOW I want a slimmer, healthier me...but I feel so beat down and ashamed.


  1. Don't feel "beat down and ashamed" just because you've turned to comfort foods again. Isn't that what helped you get where you are today? Just pick yourself up off the emotional floor and get to work on your body! You were doing great when you were entering all of your calories consumed and such. Just climb back on and ride again. :) Would you let Andrew simply give up? Nope. So you can do this!! And you still have a support system in all of us!!!

  2. OOH man!! Thats no fun at all. You can do it Lavonne! Don't let those comfort foods control you. You can do it, I know you can! Think of how great you feel once you do! Keep thinking of that and you will be able to conquer this.. Hey just a question, have you thought about lap band surgery? That what Carmen got.
